Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Ranch

The Ranch is located on the Mirror Lake Highway between Evanston, Wyoming and Christmas Meadows in the Uintas. The Ranch has watched time and travelers pass by, just as it has watched the sun rise and set each day, and the summer and winter storms blow in from the Unitas.

It has seen its people plow, plant and harvest. It has seen babies born, and its people die. It has watched the babies grow up and move on. It has seen others come to take their place. The Ranch has been owned by the family for decades, and it has witnessed their lives, loves and passions.
Much of the land has been sold off through the years; but the smaller Ranch still survives. It has welcomed many to share in its pristine beauty. The ranch has watched a home go up and outbuildings built. It has also watched them crumble and decay. It no longer is a working ranch. Family gatherings and campouts are it's main use nowBut if you close your eyes, and listen closely, you can still hear the sweet sounds of the memories that made the Ranch great. You can hear the wind rustling the tall june grass, and the giggle of children hiding in the hay. You can hear the men and machinery cutting the hay, and see their women bringing them out sandwiches and lemonaide to share about noon-time. You can hear buggys driving down the lane and the sound of the dinner bell calling everyone in for supper.
The memories survive but life goes on...
You can open your eyes , ears and heart to see, hear and feel the sounds of the joy and laughter from family and friends that are making great memories still!


Diana said...

Annette, you definitely have a talent for writing. The Ranch sounds like a wonderful place.

The Jensen's said...

We want to go there!

Necha said...

I love this post. I know I have only been a Davis for just under four years, but I feel like I grew up on that ranch along with the Davis'. I have too many good childhood memories there! You know that is also where Josh and I had our first kiss! giggle giggle.
And changing the subject-a family camping trip sounds great to me!

Cory, Jeri, Brock and Parker T. said...

I love the new picture of you guys .on you blog. You both look so happy

Elizabeth said...

I love the new picture too. Very cute!!!! I need to change ours but it's pratically impossible to get a picture of us all that everyone looks good in and I hate to have professional pictures done. Too expensive and the kids are just horrible and cranky everytime we do it. You look so in love!!!