Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wanna see a cool magic trick?

This trick was taught to me by a really cool magician many many years ago. Ok. What you are about see see will boggle your mind! Are you ready?

What you see here is an boring, ordinary back yard that is dirt only.

So are all of you ready? Now say out loud, "One, two, three, abracadabra and presto chango."

CJ. and Jennilyn's back yard 90 minutes later. Is that a cool trick or what? Thank you for your attention. Now you can return to whatever you were doing. Later!


Jennilyn Proulx said...

You should come see the rest of the trick!! I feel like a spoiled brat! Thank you so much for all your help! I think we have the perfect amount left over for you and Mel!

Elizabeth said...

Look's good and like you have all been hard at work! I really need to stop by and see your place some time.

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

That looks so nice!! It's great that you guys are so helpful & talented!!!