Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving Thanks

I just want to take a minute and express my gratitude for all of the blessings that we enjoy. I don’t think that a day goes by that I don’t marvel at how lucky we are to be at the point where we are today. I want 21 children to know how much we love them. We are really grateful that we don’t have any of the turmoil’s that so many second marriages have to deal with.

We are grateful for our parents and for 21 2/3 grandchildren. They add so much joy and laughter to our lives. They are truly special spirits and we love them dearly.

We are grateful for our Hobbit house (but it’s grown up, so we’ve decided to call it the Sugar Shack now.) We’re grateful for the gospel, our testimonies, our citizenship in America and all which that represents. We are grateful for wonderful friends both new and old.

Lastly we are grateful for each other. We have tons of fun and find happiness in just being together. We know that we were blessed to find each other and we are thankful for that. We want to wish anyone reading this a very Happy Thanksgiving. We love you, and we are grateful for all of you, too!


Diana said...

Happy Thanksgiving! You guys are wonderful! It's so great to hear someone talk about all the blessings they have instead of all that's going wrong in the world right now.

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

Happy Thanksgiving Annette! It's great that you recognize all of your fabulous blessings! We are glad that you guys are so happy!

Elizabeth said...

I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are all thankful for you as well. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!