Eight TV shows I watch: (I'm like Necha. I don't watch much TV) But let's see what I can come up with: 1. Ugly Betty; 2. Friday Night Light's; 3. Monk; 4. I Love Lucy (9,384,002 reuns); 5. We just got back into watching Alf reruns (they're still as funny as they were back when); 6. Sometimes The Biggest Looser; 7. Sometimes American Idol; and last but not least; 8. Whatever Mel is watching at the time.
Eight things I did yesterday: 1. Got ready for work; 2. Went to work; 3. Called my dad at the hospital twice; 4. Bought brown paper plates for Saturday's luncheon; 5. Went to the chiropractor; 6. Talked to Alyssa while she got ready to go to a wedding dinner; 7. Fixed left-overs for dinner; 8. Went to a Ward Mission meeting.
Eight places I like to Eat: 1. Anyone else's house; 2. Cafe Rio; 3. The Olive Garden; 4. My mom's when she was still here (she was the world's best cook---she's making angel food cake now!); 5. Cracker Barrel; 6. Golden Corral; 7. (ok, I'm just going to cheat on these last two-- Mexican restaurants; and 8. Italian restaurants.
Eight things I look forward to: 1. Thursday at 5:00 (office is closed on Friday; 2. Being with our children and grandchildren; 3. Autumn; 4. First waterski of the season; 5. Halloween through New Year's; 6. Vacations; 7. Having no car payments; 8. curling up next to Mel's hot skin since I'm usually cold....and can I add a 9th? 9. Eternity with the one's I love!!!!!
Eight things on my wish:1. Long healthy life; 2. To learn that four years from now that I was wrong about the election; 3. No more headaches for Mel; 4. To get my 401 back on track; 5. To loose 30 more pounds; 7. One big room in our house, a larger bathroom and some closet space; 8. That our children will always know how much they mean to us!
I tag anyone that would like to share their thoughts!