Sunday, September 14, 2008

Uintas With the Davis/Platt Families

We spent a great Labor Day weekend in the Uintas. All of our family was there except for Adam, his family, and Roy. As the story goes, Necha's dad, Eugene, planned a campout for his family and since Josh is his son-in-law, he said, "hmmm, I guess we could invite the Davis' too....and the rest is history. (By the way, we out numbered them!)
We found the world's greatest camp spot right on a river (I would say "thee" river; but then you would think I meant the Bear River....and it wasn't. It was one of the Forks that feed into the Bear. It was an amazing spot with beautiful scenery. There was a really cool beaver dam that backed the river up to make a great swimming hole.

We had great food, fun games, a night hike and quality time. Oh, and did I mention rain? Holy smokes! It rained really hard! By Sunday night half of the camp was covered by strung up tarps. We had Bryan, Carol and the kids move out of their tent and into the trailer with us so that they wouldn't float down the canyon. Monday morning we even got into snow. We had lots of fun!

1 comment:

Jennilyn Proulx said...

Sally is looking pregers for sure! She must be due soon! If I have my math right Baby Davis will be here next month! Exciting!