Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Old Glory

About six years ago I had the opportunity to be in Baltimore for a few days. While there I spent an afternoon visiting Fort McHenry, the site of the Battle of Baltimore which was fought during the War of 1812. This is the battle which prompted Francis Scott Key to write the poem that later became the Star Spangled Banner. It was a cold, heavily overcast day, with periods of heavy rain. At the end of our tour we were ushered in to the visitor's center to watch a movie about the events of that time. At the end of the movie, the Star Spangled Banner came over the loud speaker. We all, of course, rose to our feet. As we did, a curtain covering one entire wall opened and we had a majestic view of the Flag of the United States of America waving on the same spot which they believe the original flag pole was standing when Francis Scott Key was inspired to write his poem. At the same moment that the flag came in to our view, a crack broke in the black clouds and the sun's bright rays fell directly upon the flag. It was a glorious moment, and I will remember it always....God Bless America.


Elizabeth said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto!!!

Jennilyn Proulx said...

I love how Americana you are! Very good quality!