Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer 2008

I always remember every year on, on the 24th of July, hearing my mother say, "Well it's the 24th, already. Summer's nearly over!" I always hated hearing that. It was like listening to someone read the obituary at a funeral. Besides, I was young, and still had about six more weeks before school started.

But then the inevitable happened. I grew up! Those long summer months started getting shorter and shorter. I have to honestly say, I don't know what has happened to this summer. It really got away from us. We only got to a few of Brock and Parker's baseball games; and only one of Cory and C.J.'s softball games.

Spring through June was spent working in our yard. It was a really big project, but really rewarding! I would have to say that the highlight of the summer so far has been the fun times that we had when Alyssa and Randy where here in June, little Ike's blessing, boating at Yuba,
the Davis family
reunion, and the Davis family campout up at the Ranch. Mel and I also spent a night in our tent up in the Uintas.

We have a lot of great things planned in the next few months, though. Next week we'll get to see the extended Larsen family for grandpa's birthday, and the next day Mel and I are leaving for Jackon Hole for four days to celebrate our anniversary. We have a big campout up in the Uintas over Labor Day weekend with the Davis/Platt familys. We're also doing a Timpanogas Cave trip in September, and 4-wheeling in Moab in October. Sounds like good times, huh? Who ever said that summer has to end when school starts?


Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

I love your positive attitude Annette--it's definitely one of your awesome traits. I agree with you though, summer is definitely too short. It's my favorite season. My mom says the same thing when the 24th of July comes around. We were on a walk on the 24th of June and she said, "Ohhh, in 6 months it will be a cold Christmas Eve." I thought way to ruin a good summer day, Mom.

Necha said...

I was trying to figure out where that last picture was taken, and why everyone was there except me and Josh...and even our kids were there...but then I remembered...It was when I had to go to the ER. Oh well...what can you do!!

Diana said...

I agree. The summer went too fast, especially after the really long cold winter we had. Looks like you have a lot of fun things planned for the next few months.

Jennilyn Proulx said...

It certainly has been great summer and I hope it sticks around for while! Thank you for the anniversary card! I love it!